Сюй Ран
  • Имя(EN): Xu Run
    Родное имя: 徐闰
    Страна: Китай
    Возраст: 45 лет ( )

    Xu Run, born in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province in 1979, is a film and television screenwriter and psychological counselor in mainland China. In 2007, he served as the screenwriter of the costume drama "Gengzi Fengyun". In 2009, he co-wrote the TV series "Lotus Rain" with Shen Liqiang and Li Yang. In 2013, he served as the screenwriter of the youth drama "Angel Ai Mei". In 2016, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his screenwriting career, Xu Run's screenwriting Studio was established. In 2018, he was nominated for the “Top Ten young TV drama Screenwriters in China” on the initial list of film and television female Demons; in the same year, the costume fantasy drama "Jiang Ye", which served as the screenwriter, was broadcast. In 2019, he won the top five young screenwriters of 2019 in the 2nd Chuxin List; in the same year, he won the best screenwriter in the online drama unit of the “Golden Qi Award” of the 3rd China Yinchuan Internet Film Festival. In 2022, he will serve as the screenwriter of the TV series "Phoenix Against the Sky".

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